Contact Us

If you have any question, please contact us by filling the form below. Our response time is 12-24 hours. Be sure to include your four digit order number below. Thank you!

 Click Here to track your order.


  • We're receiving a very high volume of orders and the pandemic is not helping us, it can take anywhere between 10-30 days to deliver the packages. We're 100% transparent about it and have mentioned it on all our product pages.
  • Because of the high demand, it is taking us a longer time to input the tracking codes to our servers, so if your orders are not being tracked, please do not worry, your packages are being shipped. We're working tirelessly to fix this and provide a better experience.
  • You can only cancel your order within 24 hours of you placing an order. We ship out the packages within 48 hours. The shipping companies currently are facing too many issues due to the pandemic. So, we're doing our part by sending the packages to the shipping companies at the earliest so that even if there's a delay on the shipping company's part, it would take considerably less time for the packages to get to you.