The LGBT community has a wide range of flags representing different parts of the community instead of the original flag. Here is a summary of all of the different flags that will be seen during Pride events everywhere. Flags are effective ways of displaying what people stand for and allowing themselves to express what they stand for.
There is a wide range of different sexualities and gender identifications that are able to celebrate who they are and have their own flags to fly during Pride events. People can buy Pride flags at all events as well.
1) The Gay Pride Flag
Dating back to 1977, the now iconic Gay Pride Flag features six colors and was designed by the late Gilbert Baker. It seems that Baker had been considering such a flag for several years before it was unveiled for Pride in 1977. Each of the six colors has a meaning; red means life, orange means healing, yellow means sunshine, green means nature, blue means harmony, and purple means spirit.
Baker stated that each of the six colors meant something different and provide reasons why people should be proud of who they are and how they live their lives. It is often described as the Rainbow flag too. It is also the flag used when companies or other non - Pride groups wish to show their support for Pride.
More Color, More Pride
The group More Color, More Pride added two extra colors so that LGBT people of color had their own flag. The floors added to the original flag are black and brown.
2) Bisexual Pride
It was Michael Page who designed the Bisexual Pride flag back in 1998. It was decided that such a flag was needed in order to give bisexual people a much greater sense of belonging to a community. Page put the purple stripe either side of the pink and blue stripes to demonstrate that bisexuals have the ability to blend in with both the gay and straight communities.
In recent years there have been examples of bisexual lighting been used in blockbuster films such as Black Panther. This is when red, pink and purple lights are merged together.
3) Transgender Pride
The Transgender Pride flag was designed by navy veteran Monica Helms in 1999. Monica designed the flag after Michael Page suggested that the Trans community could make use of it's own flag at Pride events.
Helms found it slow going to get this flag widely used, and it did not become a common sight at Pride until 2013.
4) Progress Pride
The Progress Pride was designed as the Progress group believed that people of color as well as trans people did not receive enough recognition within the LGBT community. The Progress flag first appeared at Pride in 2018, The flag was created by the graphic designer Daniel Quasser. This flag is basically the rainbow flag with a five color chevron added to it.
5) Lesbian Pride
The Lesbian Pride flag is used by some Lesbians that feel the rainbow flag does not fully represent them. When the Lesbian flag is used it often has symbols put on it, like the interlinked Venus symbols or a lipstick mark in a bottom corner.
The lipstick mark is used to represent lipstick lesbians. A notable feature of this particular flag is that the pink is brighter. There's also a new lesbian pride flag that is gaining more popularity.
6) Intersex Pride
Intersex people have unusual or mixed chromosomes meaning that the genitalia they have are not male or female. The Intersex flag was designed by the group Intersex Human Rights Australia and has been used at Pride from 2013. The flag does not contain pink or blue to avoid directly referring to gender.
The group are currently campaigning to have the right to identify in the ways that fit their situations the best.
7) Pansexual Pride
The Pansexual Pride flag made it's Pride debut in 2010 after been designed and placed online by an unknown designer.
Pansexuals can be attracted to men, women, or all of the gender types. The flag has three stripes, The pink stripe symbolizes women; the blue, men; and the yellow, those of a non-binary gender, such as agender, bigender or genderfluid.
8) Asexual Pride
There is a flag for asexuals who do not regard other people no matter what their gender or orientation in a sexual way, or barely have any sexual desire. There is a white stripe for those who support the asexual community and lastly a purple stripe that represents the whole of this community.
There is an Asexual Pride flag that was first used in 2011 and was designed by an unnamed member of AVEN (Asexuality Education Visibility Network). This flag has black and gray stripes added to represent limited or non-existent sexuality.
9) Polysexual Pride
A polysexual person is someone who is sexually and/or romantically attracted to multiple genders. Sometimes, polysexuality is likened to other multi-sexual identities. One of the main differences between pansexual and omnisexual is that people who identify with these terms are attracted to all genders. On the other hand, a polysexual may not necessarily be attracted to all genders but may be attracted to many genders.
The polysexual pride flag has pink, green, and blue stripes. Pink represents an attraction to women, green represents an attraction to non-binary people, and blue represents an attraction to men. The polysexual flag was created by Tumblr user Tomlin in 2012. The user created the flag after noting that polysexuals did not have a flag to represent them. He made the flag similar to pan and bi flags since all these identities are under the multisexual umbrella.
Below are some other flags that we do not currently sell, but if you would like to purchase one, please leave a comment and we will make it happen.
10) Polyamourous Pride
A polyamorous person desires or engages in multiple romantic (and typically sexual) relationships with the consent of all the people involved.
Jim Evans created the original polyamory pride flag in 1995. The flag has blue, red, and black bars with the Greek letter pi symbol in the middle. The blue bar represents honesty and openness among partners, while the red bar represents love and affection.
The black bar represents solidarity with all people that have to hide their multi-lover partnerships from the rest of the world. There are many explanations for the pi symbol in the middle of the flag. However, the one that makes the most sense and is agreed upon but most people is that it stands for infinite love amongst partners.
Much like other LGBTQ+ flags, there have been many variations of the polyamorous flag after various community members decided that the original flag was undesirable. Some of the variations include the removal of the pi symbol and replacing it with an infinity heart symbol. The infinite heart symbol has been a recurring aspect of variations of the polyamorous flag – but this original flag is still the most agreed upon and commonly seen.
11) Non - Binary Pride
The Non - Binary Pride flag is a fairly recent addition to the flags seen and brought at Pride. The flag was designed by the then 17 year old Kye Rowan and it has four parts to represent the four different aspects of the Non - Binary community.
Rowan designed the white stripe for people that identify as having many genders, the yellow stripe for those who identify themselves outside of the binary genders, then the purple one is for people who identify as part male and part female. The fourth and final stripe is black and is for the people who identify themselves as not having a gender at all.
12) Genderqueer Pride
The Genderqueer Flag was designed to represent the Genderqueer subgroup within those who identify as Non - Binary. Their distinct flag was the idea of film producer Marilyn Roxie, who designed it during 2011. Roxie included three colors in the flag.
The lavender represents those with multiple identities, the people who do not identify with any gender represented by the white, and those with a Non - Binary identity represented by the green
13) Genderfluid Pride
A Genderfluid Flag was designed to highlight that there are people within the LGBT community whose gender identity fluctuates, or is liquid in nature. Those who identify as Genderfluid place themselves under the Non - Binary umbrella.
The Genderfluid flag is made up of five stripes. The blue and pink stripes stand for masculine and feminine respectively. Meanwhile the purple stripe represents both masculine and feminine.
There is also a black stripe for people who do not identify with any gender, and the white stripe for people that identify with all genders.
14) Twink Pride
Twinks refer to young gay men aged from their late teens to mid twenties. Some men that are slightly older yet appear to be younger also identify as being Twinks. This particular part of the LGBT community are among the most overtly sexual groups.
Twinks have not reached total agreement on what the elements of the Twink flag represent, though there is agreement that the pink stands for feminine attributes.
15) Leather Pride
Leather is a well known subculture within the LGBT community, so it is not a great surprise that Leather Pride flags can be seen at Pride events across the world. The Leather subculture is strongly linked with the BDSM community.
The Leather flag has been seen at Pride since 1989 and it was designed by Tony DeBlase, one of the best known members of the Leather subculture.
16) Bear Pride
Yes there is a Pride flag for Bears, the nickname for gay men with hair all over their bodies. The Bear flag made it's debut at Pride events in 1996. The man responsible for the design of the Bear Pride flag was Craig Byrnes, a well known Bear in Washington D C.
With the Bear flag the different colors have become known as standing for the different cultures and nationalities across the world.
17) Straight Pride
Finally there have been attempts to fly a Straight Pride Flag yet this has not been accepted. Although straight people are always warmly welcome at Pride events the consensus among the Pride organizers is that there is no need for Straight Pride or for a flag. It is generally seen as a not too funny means of having a joke at the expense of the LGBT community and Pride events.
Therefore there is already a wide range of flags that people can see and buy at Pride. Without a doubt there will be more flags to be seen at Pride as the number of groups and subcultures within the LGBT + community continues to expand. Those who regularly attend Pride should keep searching for new flags every year to find out how the community continues to both grow and diversify.
All of these different flags help to brighten up every Pride parade and makes these parades among the most inclusive events that anybody can attend. Pride is all about celebrating everything that is different and accepting that everyone has the right to show the world who they are and to be proud of their identities. The flags are bright and intended to educate others as to how people identify themselves and to make others less ignorant.